Hello and welcome to our fantastic, brand new Big Sail website! We think Mike Wyatt and the guys at YZ Designs have done a great job, and it would be great to hear any feedback you have on the new look!
The site is still in a beta stage, so things may change, disappear & re-locate in the next week or two. We plan on being fully operational with a live booking system in place on February 1st 2014, but in the meantime have an explore, watch the videos, get excited and give us any feedback you may have so we can make the site even better!
Where are all the yachts?
Yes, the eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed there are a few links that say ‘View Yachts’ that clearly don’t lead to any yachts. The yacht listings will appear in the next 10 days, and will be included on the booking page from February 1st. If you want to find out more, or even enquire about booking early – just drop us an email to info@thebigsail.com !
We are already taking bookings for Private and Corporate clients – if you fancy a trip with family or friends to somewhere other than Greece then check out our Private Charter section to read more & get in touch.
Follow us on Twitter for up to date info about the final stages of the website development.